Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fantastic Voyage Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fantastic Voyage - Term Paper Example Finally we will describe the exchange of oxygen with the delicate alveolar and the pathway used in inspiration and expiration. Body The femoral vein travels from the inside of the right leg, parallel to the femoral artery, upwards towards the center of the body. The femoral vein is a larger vein which receives blood from the popliteal, the great saphenous vein and the femoris (Femoral†¦). The femoral vein first comes into the external iliac vein and from there flows into the common iliac vein and into the inferior vena cava. The iliac veins form the common iliac at the small of the back around the fifth lumbar vertebra. It is the function of the vena cava to carry blood from the lower portion of the body directly to the heart (Inferior†¦). The vena cava empties into the right atrium, the lower right back side of the heart. The blood arrives into the right atrium un-oxygenated and is a darker color due to the lack of oxygen. The vena cava are the two largest veins in the bod y and the inferior runs alongside and behind the abdominal cavity and where the vena cava meets the right atrium is a valve known as the Eustachian valve. Though the Eustachian valve remains its primary functions are in the developing fetus, where it helps to direct blood flow through the foramen ovale into the left atrium. Once breathing begins this is no longer necessary and the foramen ovale closes and the amount of blood flow between the left and right atrium is limited. The vena cava are responsible for collecting blood from lumbar veins, hepatic veins, gonadal veins, renal veins and the phrenic veins (Cardiovascular†¦). All of this blood is un-oxygenated. Blood then flows through the tricuspid valve and is pumped into the right ventricle. Cardiac muscle provides rhythmic regular contractions to keep the blood flowing smoothly. After passing through the pulmonary valve the blood enters the pulmonary trunk (Right†¦). The contraction of the myocardium causes pressure wh ich forces the blood into the pulmonary truck where there is a left and right division. The trunk has a pulmonary semilunar valve that opens during contraction and closes when the muscle relaxes, thus preventing the blood from flowing back into the ventricular chamber. The right pulmonary artery carries the blood to the lower right lung. Within the right lower lung there are three lobes whereas the left lung has two lobes. Structures within the right lung include lateral, anterior, posterior, dorsal and medial bronchus (Chest†¦). A bronchial tree contains these bronchus and alveoli on these branches resemble grapes. Alveoli are thin membrane air sacs within the lung and the bronchial tree is the passage way through which air is passed in inspiration and expiration. Surfactants within the alveoli keep them from collapsing during exhalation and they remain slightly open. Without this surfactant the thin sacs would close in and stick to each other as air passes in and out of them and they inflate and deflate. The passageways into the lungs are lined with epithelia and cilia whose primary function is to move debris and foreign particles from out of the lungs. These provide the first line of defense within the lungs. Dendritic cells are scattered throughout the lungs and increase when there is an inflammatory response. These cells are antigen presenting cells that contain lysosomes and endosomes with three separate functions; antigen presentation and activation of T cells, inducing and maintaining immune tolerance, and maintaining immune memory with B cells (Wieder). These dendritic cells are the only cell that is able to activate naive T cells and lay dormant until there are pathogens or

Monday, October 28, 2019

The U.S. Mixed Economy and the Economic Role of Government Essay Example for Free

The U.S. Mixed Economy and the Economic Role of Government Essay In all economies scarcity (TOC1) is a real problem. This means compared to our unlimited wants the production factors (TOC 1) are scarce. As a result of this as a society we need to economize the use of resources in an efficient manner. Any Economic system has to address the fundamental questions of what to produce, how to produce, when to produce and for whom to produce. This entails an economic system. These economic issues can be addressed by different economic systems. These systems can be a capitalist economic system or socialist economic system. In a mixed market economy like the US economy the demand and supply allocate resources and private ownership of property is protected and the major motive for production is profit and it is based on the assumption of rational self-interest. (TOC 1) This means on the assumptions that people will behave to maximize their benefit minimize cost. As well competition is the cornerstone in the efficient allocation of resources to meet consumer demand and the source of technological advancement on a continuous basis so that the economy grow in a more dynamic manner. In US Government regulates the economy to encourage competition, provide public goods such as military forces, public schools welfare programs and also formulate fiscal and monetary policy to dampen trade cycles in the US economy particularly after the great depression in the 1930’s. Contrast to this in an economic system, which, is closer to a command economy, or socialist economic system the government intervenes heavily in resolving economic issues and the market plays a minor role. In a Socialist system the government mostly determines what to produce, how to produce, when to produce and for whom to produce. As well competition is not encouraged and private property is curtailed in a command economy. (U.S. Department of States Bureau of International Information Programs, As discussed above it is obvious that the command economy does well in income distribution compared to capitalist systems. However they are not dynamic and may stagnate and produce shortages because of wrong central plan priorities no incentives and rigidities of the system to respond to changing circumstances and it is undemocratic in essence. In this respect capitalist system is more efficient. That is market economy allocates resources efficiently than command economy. It is also a fact Capitalist system is prone to shocks and may produce inflation as well it also is prone to trade cycles like boom and bust. For example in US economic history after the great depression 1930.s the economist agreed it is necessary to regulate the economy by fiscal and monetary policy and by micro economic reform and gave birth to the mixed a economy rather than pure capitalist system. (U.S. Department of States Bureau of International Information Programs,Â   There fore one can conclude that all economic system evolve all the time and capitalist and socialist economic systems have strengths and weaknesses. Bibliography U.S. Department of States Bureau of International Information Programs. GOVERNMENT IN A MARKET ECONOMY. Retrieved on October 2, 2006, From INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION PROGRAM USINFO.STATE.GOV Web Site:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Greenwich Theatre: Be My Baby Essay -- Drama

Greenwich Theatre: Be My Baby Staging ======= The audience was seated in a "square u" shape around the square stage, which faced the audience at a right angle. There were two exits, one at right back and one at left back stage with room to walk between them. There was a curtain in the style of a hospital ward, which was pulled around one of the exits; the exact one depended on the scene, which worked well when it was pulled across the whole stage when Mary was giving birth. The stage was set out with all the scenery incorporated into one set, this included the laundry, Matron's office and Mary and Queenie's Bedroom. When extra scenery was needed, for example, laundry baskets, they had wheels fixed to the bottom so they could be wheeled in and out with ease as needed. The lighting was very effective in that it made the set look like a hospital ward. It also showed the different times of day, as there were different colours behind the window, orange for daybreak, and to set the time of year and temperature. Theatre The theatre was quite small making the audience feel more intimate with the play. Also, the size of the theatre meant that all of the audiences' attention was focused on the actors. There was a tension between the girls when Mary first enters the home. They build the audience up to a climax when Mary Gives birth, using the curtain as a screen as if in a hospital. The play highlighted the problems faced by pregnant girls in the 60's. The theatre, itself was different to those I am used to, it felt more welcoming to walk down a warmly lit narrow staircase. Towards an intimate seating area where the staff showed the audience to their seats in a similar way to that used in a cinema. Characters Mary Mary was portrayed as a bright girl with more confidence than I imagined her to have when I read the script. She walked with her chin up and her back straight. She seemed to be less friendly with Queenie than I thought she should. She also seemed to be a bit too snobbish and "above" everyone else. She spoke with a predominantly English accent, which abruptly changed to northern when she first entered the home, however, after the interval, it changed back again. Mary seemed very set in her ways and to the point in the way that she was portrayed. If Mary were an animal, she would be a peacock as they ar... ... directing the play, I would make her less confident and more eager to fit in. Also, if Mary was seven months pregnant, her father would've noticed so she would dress in baggy clothes or clothes that were too big for her, however, she entered the home wearing a fairly tight skirt and jacket set. The play highlights the problems and flaws in 1960's society, what pregnant girls had to go through and their feelings. They used the stereotypical northern teenager and divided it into four, adding feelings and history. Setting the play in northern England, using northern accents makes the girls sound "backwards" and poor. Audience Reactions The audience laughed mainly at Dolores. Norma made the audience nervous and made them pity her. Mary made the audience feel as if they could relate to her. Queenie was the leader of the girls, and so led the audience into the home and into the other girls' lives. Matron made the audience look up to her, as she was responsible for running the home. Mrs. Adams made the audience feel sorry for her to have to give up her own daughter, but at the same time hated for being so obsessed by her status and what others would think of her.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Urban Safari :: Free Essay Writer

Urban Safari There are times when having a brother with twenty more years of age, experience, and wisdom, can adversely effect your credibility. This is especially true at nine years old. I found this to be the case one Christmas day many years ago when my brother Tom came home for the holidays. It appeared to be the start of a special Christmas, for my brother was coming to visit. I was even more excited than usual for a nine-year-old boy at this time of year. I wondered what new presents would be under the tree? In the past, Tom always got me such neat stuff. I could hardly wait to start shaking the gifts and guessing. As usual, I was up before dawn, tearing into my gifts with all the fervor with which the drowning seize life preservers. My folks, along with my brother, had now joined me in the gift-opening ceremony. Saving the best for last was out of the question; it was the gift from my brother that I tore into first. My dreams had come true. My prayers were answered. There it was, bigger and shinier than anything in the display case of any Western Auto store in the world. It was a B B gun. Finally, I had entered the ranks of the big kids. The prestige of such a gift! I anticipated the glory of shooting my first bird. This was truly a present for a twelve years old, maybe even a teenager. While reveling in my grandeur, I hadn't noticed that my Mother was watching with obvious disapproval. Apparently she had other plans for the B B gun. "You can't shoot that thing in the yard!" she barked. "You'll have to go to the riverbed." With those words, I was instructed to leave the B B gun under the tree with the less attractive presents. "You can open your other gifts now. Tom will watch you while we go visit Auntie Mabel, and don't forget, leave the B B gun alone," Mom ordered. No sooner than they were out the door my brother grabbed the gun and headed towards the back yard. "Where’re you going?" I asked. "To test your gun out before Mom and Dad get back" was his reply. I thought this was a grand idea. Our back yard was full of potential targets. My brother's first choice was two cases of empty mason jars my Mom used for canning fruit.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Tourism and Social Exclusion in the Dominican Republic

Latin American Perspectives http://lap. sagepub. com/ Tropical Blues : Tourism and Social Exclusion in the Dominican Republic Amalia L. Cabezas Latin American Perspectives 2008 35: 21 DOI: 10. 1177/0094582X08315765 The online version of this article can be found at: http://lap. sagepub. com/content/35/3/21 Published by: http://www. sagepublications. com On behalf of: Latin American Perspectives, Inc. Additional services and information for Latin American Perspectives can be found at: Email Alerts: http://lap. sagepub. com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://lap. sagepub. om/subscriptions Reprints: http://www. sagepub. com/journalsReprints. nav Permissions: http://www. sagepub. com/journalsPermissions. nav Citations: http://lap. sagepub. com/content/35/3/21. refs. html Downloaded from lap. sagepub. com at University of Sheffield on September 8, 2011 Tropical Blues Tourism and Social Exclusion in the Dominican Republic by Amalia L. Cabezas Tourism development is the backbone of many Carib bean economies, and its advocates argue that it contributes to sustainable development, the alleviation of poverty, and integration into the globalized economy.Scholars and activists, in contrast, point to tourism-related ecological deterioration, profit leakage, distorted cultural patterns, rising land values, and prostitution. They suggest that tourism perpetuates existing disparities, fiscal problems, and social tensions. Examination of tourism development in the Dominican Republic indicates that it deskills and devalues Dominican workers, marginalizing them from tourist development and sexualizing their labor.The majority of people are relegated, at best, to positions of servitude in low-paid jobs in the formal sector, unemployment, or unstable activities in the informal sector that include the commoditization of sexuality and affective relations. Keywords: Tourism, Caribbean, Dominican Republic, Capitalism, Social exclusion In A Small Place, the Caribbean writer Jamaica Kincaid elaborates on the inequities of tourism (1988: 18–19): â€Å"Every native of every place is a potential tourist, and every tourist is a native of somewhere. But some natives—most natives in the world—cannot go anywhere. They are too poor. They are too poor to go anywhere. In international tourism, only some people are able to travel and experience a respite from the crushing banality of their lives; others, too poor to go anywhere, are relegated to servicing the needs of foreign travelers. Travel and tourism are among the most important economic activities of the global economy not just for the transnational monopolies that control them but also for those who dream of traveling and perhaps being able to turn someone else’s commonplace reality into the source of their own pleasure. This is the reality of the tropical blues. Tourism development is the backbone of many Caribbean economies.For the small island nations, tourism today represents what sugar wa s a century ago: a monocrop controlled by foreigners and a few elites that services the structures of accumulation for global capitalism. 1 Can tourism change the economic context of small nation-states in the Caribbean by creating possibilities for the population to improve its standard of living? Tourism promoters, policy makers, experts, and development officials certainly think so. They Amalia L. Cabezas teaches at the University of California, Riverside, and is a coordinating editor of Latin American Perspectives.She thanks the Centro de Promocion y Solidaridad Humana (a nongovernmental organization working in Sosua, Puerto Plata, and the surrounding communities) and the Movimiento de Mujeres Unidas for research assistance. LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES, Issue 160, Vol. 35 No. 3, May 2008 21-36 DOI: 10. 1177/0094582X08315765  © 2008 Latin American Perspectives 21 Downloaded from lap. sagepub. com at University of Sheffield on September 8, 2011 22 LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES hav e historically made enthusiastic claims about the positive impact of tourism on host societies.From fostering world peace to preserving biodiversity and indigenous cultures, tourism has been considered a panacea for societies’ ills (Castellanos de Selig, 1981). More recently, tourism has been seen not only as generating foreign exchange and employment but also as contributing to sustainable development, the alleviation of poverty, and integration into the globalized economy. Governments and multilateral organizations such as the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and United Nations development agencies promote tourism as a viable mechanism for economic and social development.It is easy to understand why so much hope is riding on tourism. Tourism is a vital component of the spread of global capitalism. It accounts for one-third of the global trade in services and is expanding at twice the growth rate of world output (El Beltagui, 2001). Tourist arrivals, which stood at 25 million in 1950, are projected to reach 1. 6 billion by 2020 (WTO, 1999). According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC, 2005), the travel and tourism industry accounts for US$4. 4 trillion of economic activity worldwide. In the Caribbean region, tourism development is of paramount importance as an indispensable source of foreign exchange (ILO, 2001). Judged by the International Labor Organization as the most tourism-oriented region in the world, the Caribbean is a region where a fifth of the gross domestic product is produced for tourists, directly or indirectly, by one out of every seven workers (ILO, 2001: 119). Scholars and activists working in the field of tourism are much more critical of tourism than policy makers and politicians.In the past three decades, assessments of tourism’s socioeconomic impact have included discussions of ecological deterioration, profit leakage, social displacement, distorted cultural patter ns, rising land values, drugs, and prostitution (Harrison, 1992; Crick, 1996; Pattullo, 1996). Tourism has also been linked to the creation of demand for foreign-made goods, consumerism, the commodification of culture, trafficking in women and children, internal migration, and the disruption and corruption of traditional values and behaviors (see, e. g. McElroy, 2004; Mowforth and Munt, 1998; Pattullo, 1996). Furthermore, scholars postulate that tourism perpetuates existing disparities, fiscal problems, and social tensions (Britton, 1996; Greenwood, 1989). Given such incongruities in opinions and assessments, I seek to examine the framework within which tourism development takes place and to explore why tourism has failed to raise the standard of living and create better life chances for people in the Caribbean region. The concern here is with the political economy of tourism development in the Dominican Republic.In this article I argue that the history of economic, political, and s ocial subjugation within the global capitalist system determines the institutional framework for the current tourism trade. I offer the interpretation that the international division of labor in tourism deskills and devalues Dominican workers, marginalizing them from the process of tourism development and sexualizing their labor. I am concerned with the impact of these processes on the most vulnerable elements of the population. This case study is based on fieldwork undertaken in the Dominican Republic.Beginning in 1997, participant observation was conducted on the Downloaded from lap. sagepub. com at University of Sheffield on September 8, 2011 Cabezas / EXCLUSION IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 23 northeast coast of the country in Puerto Plata and the neighboring beach resort developments of Playa Dorada and Sosua. Puerto Plata, a historic city with a population of over 60,000, was targeted for development during the boom in tourism growth in the 1970s. It is the oldest and one of the m ost developed tourism areas of the country, and it continues to grow (ASONAHORES, 2004).Its port attracts cruise lines, and it has an abundance of luxury resorts located east of the city in an area known as Playa Dorada. Sosua, a few kilometers up the coast, is a small beachside community settled by European Jews brought into the country by the former dictator Rafael L. Trujillo to â€Å"whiten the nation† (Symanski and Burley, 1973). It has many businesses owned by expatriates and continues to attract European travelers, many from Germany. The north coast area has a large transient population of internal migrants who come to work in the tourism industry, its informal trade, and the free-trade zone.My research was assisted by two nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Puerto Plata and Sosua that are concerned with community health. Taperecorded interviews were conducted in 1997 at a community clinic with women who identified themselves as sex workers, many of whom were affil iated with the Movimento de Mujeres Unidas (Movement of United Women—MODEMU), an NGO that advocates for the labor and human rights of women in the sex industry. Further research for this project was carried out in 2004, 2005, and 2007, including work in the capital city of Santo Domingo and in the nearby tourist beach resort of Boca Chica.Data collection involved interviews with hotel workers, sex workers, community activists, members of MODEMU, people involved in the informal economy, local businessmen, and tourists. STRUCTURAL INEQUALITIES AND THE CAPITALIST GLOBAL SYSTEM Tourism exists within a political-economic framework characterized by monopoly capital—a system of global capital that has evolved over the past 500 years and is in a new stage of accumulation characterized by the transnationalization of state formation, production, and consumption (Robinson, 2004; 2007).It is important to keep the colonial patterns of capitalist accumulation in mind when examining tourism development, since global inequities lie at the heart of the tourism project. The capitalist world system has continually expanded through access to cheap labor, land, resources, and markets. These processes are clearly evident in the commercial and organizational systems of the hospitality and travel industries. Transnational tourism reflects the asymmetrical distribution of power and economic resources between former colonies and their colonizers (Fanon, 1963).As Britton (1982: 355) declares, â€Å"The more a Third World country has been dominated by foreign capital in the past, the greater likelihood there is of the prerequisites for establishing a local tourist industry being present. It is metropolitan tourism capital that is the single most important element in determining the organization and characteristics of tourism in underdeveloped countries. † Time and resources have been important in the development of tourism, but so has economic power. While tourism is a global industry, the Downloaded from lap. sagepub. om at University of Sheffield on September 8, 2011 24 LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES majority of the receipts accrue to Europe and the United States (ILO, 2001; WTO, 2002). Indeed, the new forms of global capitalist domination, as manifested in the tourism and travel market, demonstrate that Dominicans face an â€Å"empire of global capital† (Robinson, 2007: 19). The Caribbean is thus relegated to a â€Å"pleasure periphery† within the international division of labor, a â€Å"host† region that accommodates leisure travelers and the demands of transnational corporations (Turner and Ash, 1975).The tourism industry in the global North emerged with subsidized state-led development. Growth in infrastructure and technology benefited from statesponsored research and development. In the 1950s the U. S. Senate authorized more than US$12 million to support the development of improved transport aircraft, and U. S. policy e ncouraged the development of civil aeronautics and air commerce both within and outside of the United States (Truong, 1990). The use of U. S. aviation equipment, U. S. eronautical procedures, and the English language as the world standard in aviation guaranteed the United States dominance in civil aeronautics globally. In Western Europe, the concept of â€Å"participatory enterprise,† by which airlines are owned in part or wholly by governments, helped to cover the losses incurred by the operation of unprofitable but strategically important routes (Truong, 1990). Both the United States and Western Europe subsidized and cultivated the global travel infrastructure and established the regulations and norms of the travel industry, facilitating their control and domination.Travel and tourism enterprises experienced rapid growth and expansion as they sought to capture the disposable earnings of wage workers in the booming economies of Western Europe and the United States during the late 1950s and 1960s. Their growth was enhanced by new patterns of production and consumption in the global North and the creation of social legislation ensuring holiday time off. It was advantageous for the United States to further its political and commercial interests in the Caribbean by promoting the growth of tourism as a form of economic development.As Truong (1990: 104) explains, The advocated tactical and strategic flexibility in the execution of civil aviation policy has been translated into the use of multilateral aid channels to cover U. S. interests and overt intervention in international aviation and tourism. The promotion of tourism itself mirrored the awareness of the relation between air transport and economic development. This intervention has two main advantages for the United States. From a commercial perspective, such intervention contributes to the strengthening of the U.S. position as a manufacturer and exporter of aircraft and navigation equipment. From a pol itical perspective, it helps to consolidate the direction of social and economic development in the third world, which benefits U. S. interests under a screen of peaceful understanding. In due course, the growth of the tourism industry became a â€Å"peaceful† method of attaining long-lasting political power and financial control in the markets and politics of the South (Lanfant, Allcock, and Bruner, 1995).The framework for the development of the travel and tourist industry impedes poor countries from generating foreign exchange, increasing employment, or promoting the participation of the most marginal segments of the community (Britton, 1996). It enables transnational corporations to use their superior technology, resources, and commercial power to control Third World Downloaded from lap. sagepub. com at University of Sheffield on September 8, 2011 Cabezas / EXCLUSION IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 25 tourist destinations.Tourism’s tendency to perpetuate patterns of econo mic dependency and vulnerability for developing countries is evident in the island nations of the Caribbean, where small local suppliers have limited access to tourist-generating markets monopolized by powerful wholesalers and retailers (Ashley et al. , 2006). Tour operators—a transnational industry based in Western Europe and the United States—can project an image of a country through worldwide marketing campaigns that ensure a steady flow of visitors. Because of economies of scale, they can control tourist packages and demote or promote particular destinations (Britton, 1996).They unite suppliers and consumers in the pursuit of profits and pleasure; with direct contact with travel consumers through vertically integrated travel agencies, they can control particular destinations and dominate the flow of visitors. They can pressure hotels to operate in certain ways and negotiate low prices, especially in beach resorts. They favor a standardized product, such as the all- inclusive deal, a comprehensively controlled tourist experience in which the familiarity of the brand and the security of the travel experience are more important than local differentiation. The all-inclusive tourist package allows tour operators and travel agencies to combine all of the components of a destination’s attractions—recreation, meals, food, lodging, and transportation—into a single product paid for at the point of origin. This limits the participation of local producers and confines the profits to the global North. As the Dominican Republic has adopted the all-inclusive model, the earnings per tourist have decreased: per-room spending has declined from a high of US$318 in 1982 to the current low of US$154 (UNDP, 2005: 73).The all-inclusive package is only one component of the revolution in information technology that has integrated travel and tourism into a circuit that combines air transport, sea cruises, tours, and car rentals into a worldwide mon opoly. Further vertical integration of airlines, car rental, and tour operators has been facilitated by the Internet. 4 Electronic commerce in tourism services, which represents a new possibility for online holiday booking for tourism providers, works to the disadvantage of developing countries, which have only limited access to the Internet.Other practices include the mergers of transnational corporate giants in the areas of technology, travel, hospitality, and media. HOTELS, CRUISE LINES, AND DISASTERS In an increasingly globalized industry, the trend in the hospitality industry is from independently owned and owner-operated hotels to the multinational hotel chains that have become the industry standard. In the Dominican Republic, hotels with more than 400 rooms have the highest and least volatile occupancy rates (UNDP, 2005: 75; Secretaria de Estado de Turismo, 2007).In the accommodations industry, an impressive amount of consolidation took place in the 1980s, resulting in hotel brands under fewer and larger corporate umbrellas. Major multinational hotel chains have been involved in important acquisitions and mergers (ILO, 2001: 38). Cendant, the largest hotel chain in the world, operates 6,000 hotels with 500,000 rooms. Some major hotel Downloaded from lap. sagepub. com at University of Sheffield on September 8, 2011 26 LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES corporations, such as Best Western, operate in almost 100 countries (ILO, 2001: 120). Since the mid-1990s, multinational hotel companies entering foreign markets have used consolidation strategies to strengthen their position vis-a-vis local markets. Furthermore, brand-name hotels promote themselves by advertising their own products—facilities, amenities, services, and prices—more than any particular country. Because so many corporations strive for a standardized and homogeneous product, one facility is the same as any other, regardless of geographic destination. The disdain for difference and diver sity is part of what some scholars have identified as the â€Å"McDisneyization† of post-tourism (Ritzer and Liska, 1997).The promotion of industry control through monopolistic practices is also noticeable in the increasing number of strategic alliances aimed at supplying diversified products and services that strengthen the hotel corporations’ market position. 6 The ILO (2001) indicates that major multinational corporations such as Hyatt and Starwood are partnering with Microsoft’s Expedia in the acquisition of new information and communication technology. In the distribution of products and cross-marketing between food service providers and hotels, Marriott and Hilton are now linked with Pizza Hut.Strategic alliances between multinationals also include distribution and cross-promotion between financial services, credit cards, and hotels. In this area, American Express is now working with Accor Hotels and Visa and American Express are partnered with Bass Hotels and Resorts. The consolidation of hotels and transportation means that some hotels, such as Cendant, have now partnered with more than 20 airlines. Cendant’s holdings also include vehicle rental companies, online ticket sales enterprises such as Orbitz and CheapTickets, and major resort condominiums and real estate holdings.In media and entertainment, the copromotion of hotels and films has combined the resources of industry giants such as Marriott and Bass Hotels and Resorts with ESPN, Discovery, and E-Entertainment (ILO, 2001: 3). The Disney Corporation, with its Caribbean Disney Cruises that target all age-groups, has been able to create all-encompassing corporate control by combining cruises and airfare with its own private depopulated Caribbean islands. 6 Disney cruises feature Disney merchandise, entertainment, and films. Through these methods, cruises operate as the ultimate product-placement scheme.This represents a significant impact on the region on a number of lev els. Not only is the Caribbean the most important geographic market for the cruise industry (ILO, 2001) but that industry is one of the most egregious violators of labor and environmental standards (Wood, 2000). For example, the majority of its workers come from Southeast and South Asia and are paid wages as low as US$1. 55 an hour (Wood, 2000). As a deterritorialized industry, cruise lines are able to evade labor standards such as minimum wage and restrictions on overtime that are established by national laws.The interaction with actually populated islands is limited to a few hours of shopping for souvenirs. Consequently, the overall market for cruise tourism in the Caribbean translates into lower earnings for the region, since its participation in the profits is restricted to, at best, a few hours of shopping in a port community. The increasing horizontal integration of the travel and tourism industry is manifested in the computerized reservation systems, with high access charges, that have rapidly become the industry norm. Tourism services are increasingly Downloaded from lap. sagepub. om at University of Sheffield on September 8, 2011 Cabezas / EXCLUSION IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 27 being purchased on the Internet via three main mechanisms: a computer reservations system known as Global Distribution Systems (GDS), third-party web sites such as Orbitz and Travelocity, and hotel- and airline-owned-and-operated direct booking. GDS is used primarily by tour operators and travel agents in destination countries to book not only travel and accommodations but other tourism products as well. The cost of GDS fees and technology is prohibitive for small and medium-sized enterprises.Orbitz, one of the two biggest online travel agents, is owned by the five biggest U. S. airlines—American, Continental, Delta, Northwest, and United. Travelocity is owned by Sabre Holdings, the world’s largest travel agent reservations system, and GDS (PSTT, 2004). At an impr essive rate, consolidation and strategic alliances by multinational corporations have limited the opportunities for small and medium-sized suppliers in the tourism industry, thereby restricting access to profits to those aligned with transnational capital.With few alternatives, largely because of their lack of technological development and capital, small nation-states cannot eliminate these powerful intermediaries and deal with tourists directly. A number of other structural issues are associated with the vulnerability of Caribbean destinations and the impediments to their benefiting from tourism development. One alarming concern is the â€Å"leakage† of foreign exchange earnings in the amount of imported consumer goods required to sustain the tourism industry.As John Urry (1996: 215) explains, â€Å"Much tourist investment in the developing world has in fact been undertaken by large-scale companies based in North American or Western Europe, and the bulk of such tourist expe nditure is retained by the transnational companies involved; only 22–25 percent of the retail price remains in the host country. † A major problem is the high import content of construction material and equipment and the many consumable goods required to cater to the needs of tourists.It is difficult to bring local suppliers into the supply chain, since the goods required by tourists may not be produced locally, and, when they are, tourists tend to reject them (Ashley et al. , 2006). Another source of leakage is the repatriation of income and profits to metropolitan locations through generous tax incentives created to stimulate investment (Urry, 1996: 215). Finally, excessive reliance on one industry renders tourist destinations extremely vulnerable to external markets. Anything that weakens demand for a destination undermines the national economy.Circumstances such as the September 11 attacks and the weather can generate a considerable downturn in the tourism economy. With the acceleration of global climate change, the Dominican Republic, for example, is increasingly susceptible to more powerful and frequent hurricanes. Stronger tropical storms and the rise in sea levels could cause the disappearance and erosion of beaches? the main engine of the economy and a source of livelihood for the nation. Hurricane Noel in 2007 devastated parts of the islands, killing hundreds and generating an epidemic of leptospirosis. The minister of tourism, Felix Jimenez, reported that news of the epidemic had tainted the national image and that the images of Hurricane Noel’s destruction televised in Europe had led tour operators to cancel charter flights (Hoy, November 25, 2007). However, the majority of areas and people directly suffering from the catastrophic effects of the hurricane were those already living in extreme poverty, certainly not in tourist zones. Downloaded from lap. sagepub. com at University of Sheffield on September 8, 2011 28 LATIN AMERICA N PERSPECTIVESThe government appears more preoccupied with its image than with creating an infrastructure that reduces damage. One family of five, for example, has been living in a temporary shelter since Hurricane Jeanne destroyed their home in September 2004 (Listin Diario, November 20, 2007). INTERNATIONAL TOURISM IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC While Barbados, Cuba, and Jamaica developed their tourism infrastructure in the early twentieth century to accommodate North American travelers, the Dominican Republic did not become a tourist destination until close to 70 years later.The nation’s negative image during the era of dictator Rafael Trujillo reflected fear of a violent political system. 8 The political instability that followed the U. S. assassination of Trujillo in 1961 and the subsequent invasion and occupation by 23,000 North American troops did not support an alluring image of a tropical paradise. The physical security of guests, an essential component in the packaging o f tourist destinations, could not be ensured.In 1966 Joaquin Balaguer, an old crony of Trujillo and an anticommunist ally of the United States, came to power through corruption and force. Balaguer’s regime, in concert with multilateral agencies, sought to capture the U. S. tourist market that had been temporarily displaced since the Cuban Revolution. Through World Bank loans and development packages, the productive structure of the country was transformed and its economic strategy redirected toward absorbing foreign investment in tourism. Tax concessions that amounted to more than 10 years of tax exemptions for investment in tourism development were established by Law 153-71. 10 International tourism in the Dominican Republic grew slowly at the end of the 1960s as a way of generating development without making large investments in manufacturing and technology. Since tourism relies on the packaging of natural assets, it was considered to support economic growth by using existi ng resources, such as sandy beaches, a warm and sunny climate, â€Å"friendly people,† and local arts and music (Tavares, 1993).In 1968 the Plan Nacional de Desarrollo established the outline of a strategy for the tourism sector (Castellanos de Selig, 1981). In 1971 the Central Bank established a department for the promotion of tourism development to be financed by the World Bank. Through loans and with the technical expertise of the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank, in the 1970s the Dominican Republic began to move away from state-led industrialization and sugar toward tourism and free-trade zones (Atkins and Wilson, 1998).The acceleration of its incorporation into the global economy was facilitated by structural adjustment programs that, for example, devalued the Dominican peso in 1987 to help the country compete for foreign investment. Tourism rapidly displaced sugar as the main source of earnings, and by 1997 it was generating more than half of the countryâ €™s total foreign exchange (Jimenez, 1999). The government created generous tax concessions to stimulate foreign investment with the goals of producing employment, paying off the foreign debt, and generating revenue.In the long run, however, this approach failed to create sustainable development or to enhance the well-being of the Downloaded from lap. sagepub. com at University of Sheffield on September 8, 2011 Cabezas / EXCLUSION IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 29 majority of the population. National elites have benefited, as the increasing polarization of income indicates, but the majority of the population has been relegated to positions of servility in a competitive labor market that provides predominantly low-paid, seasonal, and unstable jobs.EXCLUSION AND MARGINALIZATION OF THE LABOR FORCE The exploitation of labor and natural resources in beachfront resorts is particularly acute on the north coast of the Dominican Republic, where the environment is showing signs of degradation due to the extensive development that has taken place in the area. Over 95 percent of the resorts operate under the all-inclusive enclave model (Departamento de Estadisticas, interview, ASONAHORES, October 2005), and over 60 percent also use time-share allocation (ASONAHORES, 2004). Enclave resorts have a reputation for being â€Å"gilded ghettoes†? egregated spaces that exclude Dominicans while providing luxury accommodations to foreigners. The resorts are small cities and, as such, are developed with all kinds of facilities (UNDP, 2005: 68). They represent foreign, exclusive spaces that keep tourists from seeing the local poverty that might make them uncomfortable and keep them from wanting to stay in the country. The latest development scheme, the 30,000-acre mega-resort Cap Cana, features four luxury hotels including the Ritz Carlton, apartments, villas, five golf courses, condominiums, boutiques, restaurants, a convention center, and a marina.This resort complex will tar get the high-end market instead of the mass tourism market that the country has sought for decades. These tourism compounds provide electricity, sewerage, paved roads, and running water for their pleasure- and leisure-oriented guests, but basic infrastructure development in the country remains chaotic, lacking planning, development, and environmental control. Shantytowns often lack plumbing, electricity, and paved roads. This neglect represents a hidden cost to the host society and a urther appropriation of social and environmental resources by foreign capital. 11 The United Nations Human Development Report for the Dominican Republic (UNDP, 2005) indicates that the tourism labor force is made up primarily of young women, over half of them younger than 39 and with fewer than eight years of schooling (UNDP, 2005: 77). The salary for tourism workers is below the national average (UNDP, 2005: 78), with women earning approximately 68 percent of a man’s salary in the industry.Women are nearly absent from supervisory and management positions. This reflects an industry norm, for, as the ILO (2001: 86) points out, women globally have little access to the higher levels of corporate management in the hotel, catering, and tourism sector. Globally, women also experience income disparities vis-a-vis men at all levels of hotel, catering, and tourism employment. They generally occupy the lower echelons in the tourism labor market, with few career opportunities and low levels of remuneration.While Dominican women experience greater vulnerability and gender discrimination in the workforce, Dominican men are displaced and excluded from employment and meaningful participation. Camilo, an informal tourist guide in his late twenties, has been working for the past 10 years in activities Downloaded from lap. sagepub. com at University of Sheffield on September 8, 2011 30 LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES connected with tourism. He and other guides idle outside of the Playa Dorada re sort complex hoping to befriend the rare tourist or, better, tourist group that ventures outside the all-inclusive beachfront compound on foot.The modus operandi of these well-dressed young men is to approach foreigners with multiple offers—for example, to dine with them at a typical Dominican restaurant, to show them around town, and to teach them how to dance merengue. The day that I met Camilo, he was angry to hear that resort’s management had been making disparaging comments about Dominicans during orientation meetings for their guests. He explained: I want to fight against the lack of information or disinformation about Dominicans and the Dominican Republic.I would like to have a crew secretly filming in the hotel, and I want to send that to the national media. The agents of these corporations are talking bad about us, about assaults, assassinations, and such things. We are walking guides; we provide a service. My friends and I speak different languages. Why is it that all the hotels and the travel agencies and the stores in the resorts have to use foreigners to work there? Why, if I speak German, I can defend myself in Italian, I am excellent in English? I can sell anything in German.It is something that I do not understand. If I go to Germany, they will not let me work. I used to sell horseback riding tours; now all those are owned by Germans. They are displacing us in our own country. Camilo’s statements address the massive displacement of Dominican workers. With the majority of resorts managed by expatriates, many of whom do not appreciate the cultural, social, and economic realities of the countries in which they work, locals are frustrated by the lack of respect accorded them by foreigners and the severe competition for the tourist market.Camilo had started out with a small business that took tourists on horseback riding trips and had been forced out of the market when the resorts begun offering these excursions to their guests. Such displacement has led many citizens to feel like foreigners in their native land. Most resorts keep the local populations out with security personnel and by requiring guests to wear wrist-bands during their stay. Treated like outsiders, Dominicans are turned away at the front gate unless they come as workers.This exclusion positions Dominican labor as a marginalized and deterritorialized workforce, performing roles and functions similar to those they would carry out as foreign, undocumented workers in Europe or North America. The common practice of the resort enclaves in the Caribbean region of recruiting top management and skilled labor from Western Europe and the United States means that Dominicans seldom work in positions of management or as chefs in the resorts, and, as Camilo mentions, they are even excluded from retail operations.These exclusionary practices marginalize the local population—not just the working class but also nationally trained executives and mid-l evel managers. Dominican men are relegated to service labor such as work in accommodations, reception, security, and grounds-keeping or, as Camilo does, scrape out a living in unstable and contingent activities in the informal sector. Gender also creates labor hierarchies within hotels. Dominican men are excluded from management, but gender stereotypes also give them access to positions with more opportunities for gratuities, such as bartender and luggageDownloaded from lap. sagepub. com at University of Sheffield on September 8, 2011 Cabezas / EXCLUSION IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 31 handler. Dominican women, in contrast, are employed in gender-designated positions of domesticity such as housekeeping. There are few opportunities for Dominicans to participate directly in the tourism economy. To escape this predicament, many cultivate relationships of companionship, friendship, and romance with tourists and other foreigners as a way to access the global economy, travel to the global No rth, and improve their lives.Many relationships between Dominican women and foreign men mingle intimate, affective relations with economic activity, but others emphasize payment for sexual services. While some studies indicate that Caribbean formal tourism workers have sex with tourists in the resorts (Cabezas, 2004; CEPROSH, 1997; Crick, 2001), many more reports reveal that it is people hustling in the informal economy who provide tourists with sexual and affective exchanges (Herold et al. 2001; Padilla, 2007; Gregory, 2007).In the Dominican Republic the young men are popularly known as sanky panky, heterosexually identified men who provide romance, companionship, and sex to men and women. These new sexual formations have also appeared in other touristdependent islands such as Jamaica (rent-a-dreads), Barbados (beach boys) and Cuba (pingueros and jineteros) (Hodge, 2002). Although many men are able to exploit foreigners’ fantasies of racial eroticism to enhance their life ch ances and masculinity, women who use intimate relationships with foreigners to support their households bear a heavy burden of stigma and riminalization (Cabezas, 2004; 2005). It is primarily working-class women of color who bear the burden of state-inflicted violence, harassment, extortion, and rape (Cabezas, 1999; 2005). Miriam, a 23-year-old mother of two, had one child when she met the father of her youngest, a vacationing African-American police officer from New York in his late thirties. John visits Miriam often and sends approximately US$60 a month to support his eight-month-old daughter. However, Miriam must continue to seek out relationships with foreign and local men to supplement his support.Her oldest daughter has liver disease, and the doctor visits and medication are costly. She tells me fearlessly, â€Å"From luck and death no one can escape. † Johanna, a 20-year-old single mother of two, cannot find any type of work that would allow her to support her mother a nd two children. She was fired from her job as a waitress when she got pregnant and began selling sex to foreign men who live or vacation in Boca Chica. Her aim is to meet a tourist who will provide her with travel to a foreign country. Any place is better than here,† she tells me. When I asked her if she was frightened by reports of sex trafficking or other forms of exploitation that could potentially take place in a country where she knows no one, she looked down and replied intensely, â€Å"I have to assume that risk, because here I am going to either go crazy or die of hunger. † HIV/AIDS Discussions of travel associated with work or leisure have increasingly pointed to the risks involved in mobility and HIV/AIDS. 2 Paul Farmer (1992) has argued that the HIV virus was introduced to Haiti by gay North American men vacationing on the island, and the Caribbean Epidemiology Centre indicates Downloaded from lap. sagepub. com at University of Sheffield on September 8, 2011 32 LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES that this is true for the Caribbean as a whole (Camara, 2001) and that the countries that are the most economically dependent on tourism in the region have the highest prevalence of HIV cases (Camara, 2001; Padilla, 2007: 171).Padilla (2007) maintains that tourism in the Dominican Republic â€Å"continues to function as an important source of new infections, exerting an ongoing influence on the scope and impact of AIDS in specific locales. † This assertion is confirmed by the UNDP report (2005: 85), which indicates that the areas with the highest incidence of HIV in the country are also those with the highest rates of tourism. However, there has been little prevention education targeting tourism-sector workers.Padilla argues that this is because of the fear of fostering a negative image that could potentially â€Å"contradict the escapism, exoticism, and consequence-free environment that compose at least part of the tourism package offered to foreigners† (2007: 172). The women informants for my study, who worked primarily with tourists, were adamant in attesting to their use of condoms and resistance to offers of unsafe sex for higher compensation. Mari explained, â€Å"This is my body; it is the only thing I can count on to support my children.I’m not going to risk everything for a few extra dollars. They can’t pay me enough. † Another woman exclaimed, â€Å"If I get sick, are they going to take care of me? Are they going to take care of my children? † These statements are representative of what many women told me; however, a few caveats are in order. First, the women I interviewed were associated with MODEMU and CEPROSH, two organizations that provide peer-to-peer safer-sex education. Also, Puerto Plata has a governmentmandated policy of condom use in sex establishments (Haddock, 2007).These women were educated and aware of the dangers of unprotected sex. Secondly, most of the women id entified with the term â€Å"sex worker,† meaning that many of their relations with foreigners were direct sex-for-money exchanges. Women who engage in less rigidly structured and more ambiguous relationships, in which the conditions of the exchange deemphasize economic factors, may take more risks to prove that they are not â€Å"from the street. † Research from the Caribbean also confounds easy assumptions about sexual identity, sexual practice, and HIV/AIDS.Padilla’s (2007) research in the Dominican Republic and that of Fosado (2004) and Hodge (2002) from Cuba testify to the difficulty of categorizing the mode of HIV transmission in these countries as â€Å"heterosexual,† given the growth of same-sex male sex work with tourists. The political economy of tourism serves as the context for straightidentified men to engage in same-sex relations with foreign men to support wives, girlfriends, and families. The notion of sex workers as vectors of disease als o needs to be reexamined. My research with 30 women infected with HIV/AIDS, who worked in sex stablishments serving a predominantly Dominican clientele in Santo Domingo, indicates that all were infected by their husbands or regular boyfriends, with whom they did not use safer-sex techniques. Thus far, all the women that I have interviewed claim to use condoms for protection with their clients and to let their guard down with regular partners. Third, many of the young single workers are internal migrants to tourist areas and are more likely to engage in riskier practices and have a less stable lifestyle (UNDP, 2005). There are few educational and prevention programs to target this population.These are two areas in which more research is needed. Downloaded from lap. sagepub. com at University of Sheffield on September 8, 2011 Cabezas / EXCLUSION IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 33 CONCLUSION Few viable alternatives exist to the current structure of travel, leisure, and tourism, which consign s people in the South to poorly remunerated labor. The Dominican Republic, along with other Caribbean nations, attracts foreign investment by offering a low-cost labor force, tax exemptions, and other incentives, but tourism denies the majority of its working people â€Å"decent work. 13 The squeezing of labor power and natural resources has left the country with a massive tourism infrastructure, with more than 60,000 hotel rooms, and over 3 million pleasure visitors a year (Secretaria de Estado de Turismo, 2004–2007) in an ecology of disaster. These figures continue to grow every year without concern for the quality of life of Dominicans. The majority of people are relegated, at best, to positions of servitude in low-paid jobs in the formal sector, underemployment, or unstable activities in the informal sector that include the commoditization of sexuality and affective relations.Dominicans dream of being leisure travelers, holding decent jobs, and securing a better future f or their children, but the transnational tourism industry cannot provide them decent wages and higher standards of living. Various scholars have documented the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the Caribbean people in acting on the tourism infrastructure (Cabezas, 2004; Fosado, 2004; Padilla, 2007), but the opportunities and potential for significant democratization are modest or absent.Tourism may provide the opportunity for people from the global North to re-create themselves, but people from the South have access to this opportunity only through sexual exchanges that place their lives at risk. Reciprocal leisure travel is what every native needs to dispel the tropical blues. NOTES 1. Tourism and travel are considered export-oriented services. 2. Increasingly tourism is one of the world’s largest generators of jobs. The WTTC (2005) calculates that the sector accounted for 10 percent of total employment in 1997 worldwide and is expected to generate an estimated 328 million jo bs by 2010. . The UNDP (2005) is rather critical of the all-inclusive model of development in the Dominican Republic. It contends that this model offers a homogeneous product marked by the stereotypical image based on sun, sand, and sea, a tourism product with facilities that face away from local populations and one characterized by constant competition and lack of state regulation. While I support this spatially concentrated form of development and the general segregation of tourists from local populations, my point here is to express concern for the lack of human capital development of the population.Further, tourism development generally promotes a â€Å"slash, burn, and move on† approach to the environment. Leisure travel in the Dominican Republic follows the pattern of exploitation of natural resources and cheap labor prevalent in neocolonial regimes whereby transnational finance capital and local elites benefit from these structures and the local people are left to suff er the consequences. 4. According to one estimate, 33–50 percent of Internet use is based on tourism (ILO, 2001). 5. The trend in consolidation is evident in ILO’s data (2001). It maintains that in 1999 the 10 biggest companies controlled 2. 4 million rooms but by 2000 9 giants controlled 2. 98 million hotel rooms. 6. In the Caribbean, of the eight major cruise lines operating, â€Å"six own their own private islands which they include among their ports of call† (Wood, 2000: 361). 7. Leptospirosis is caused by a bacterium, Leptospira, that can be transmitted through exposure to water, food, or soil containing the urine of infected animals. The epidemic had killed 27 people by November 20, 2007. Downloaded from lap. sagepub. com at University of Sheffield on September 8, 2011 34 LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES 8. Trujillo was dictator from 1930 to 1961.His regime was characterized by extreme violence and repression, the massacre of 12,000 Haitians in 1938, and the ac cumulation of immense personal wealth. He created state structures and placed his cronies in offices within them to perpetuate his power (Betances and Spalding, 1995). 9. Various multilateral agencies created specialized units for the evaluation, approval, and funding of the projects of member countries. In the 1960s the Inter-American Development Bank, the U. S. Agency for International Development, and the World Bank, for example, directed their lending in Latin America toward tourism development (Monge, 1973).The Organization of American States also promoted financial resources for tourism development. All these efforts were enhanced in the Dominican Republic by Law 153, which granted tax concessions to tourism investors and corporations. Thus foreign entities took the lead in creating highly favorable conditions for foreign investment. 10. The legislation that governs these practices established an incentive system to stimulate development in the tourism sector by providing an i nitial 10-year 100 percent tax exemption on earnings, imports, and construction. 11.Environmental costs are borne entirely by the local population, since the enforcement of environmental regulations is nearly nonexistent (see UNDP, 2005: 86–87; Gregory, 2007). 12. The United Nations (2004) epidemiological report indicates that the Dominican Republic had an estimated adult rate of HIV infection of 1. 7 percent and Puerto Plata one of 8 percent. Recent reports suggest that the infection rate has been reduced to 0. 8 percent (Listin Diario, December 1, 2007), but the northeast coast continues to be one of the areas with the highest rates. 3. The term â€Å"decent work† is used by the ILO (1999: 4) to capture the notion of quality employment that can provide basic security to workers. REFERENCES Ashley, Caroline, Harold Goodwin, Douglas McNab, Mareba Scott, and Luis Chaves 2006 â€Å"Making tourism count for the local economy in the Caribbean: guidelines for good practice . † http://www. propoortourism. org. uk/caribbean/caribbean-whole. pdf. ASONAHORES (Asociacion Nacional de Hoteles y Restaurantes, Inc. ) 2004 Estadisticas seleccionadas del sector turismo ano 2004. Santo Domingo. 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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Strokes Used in Chinese Characters

Strokes Used in Chinese Characters The earliest forms of Chinese writing date from the Xia Dynasty (2070 - 1600 BC). These were etched on animal bones and turtle shells which are known as oracle bones. The writing on oracle bones is known as ç” ²Ã© ª ¨Ã¦â€"‡ (jiÄÆ'gÃ… ­wà ©n). Oracle bones were used for divination by heating them up and interpreting the resulting cracks. The script recorded the questions and answers. JiÄÆ'gÃ… ­wà ©n script clearly shows the origins of current Chinese characters. Although much more stylized than the current characters, jiÄÆ'gÃ… ­wà ©n script is often recognizable to modern readers. Evolution of Chinese Script The JiÄÆ'gÃ… ­wà ©n script consists of objects, people or things. As the need for recording more complex ideas arose, new characters were introduced. Some characters are combinations of two or more simpler characters, each of which can contribute a particular meaning or sound to the more complex character. As the Chinese writing system became more formalized, the concepts of strokes and radicals became its foundation. Strokes are the basic gestures used to write Chinese characters, and radicals are the building blocks of all Chinese characters. Depending on the classification system, there are about 12 different strokes and 216 different radicals. The Eight Basic Strokes There are many ways to classify strokes. Some systems find up to 37 different strokes, but many of these are variations. The Chinese character æ ° ¸ (yÇ’ng), meaning forever or permanence is often used to illustrate the 8 basic strokes of Chinese characters. They are: DiÇŽn, (é »Å¾/ç‚ ¹) DotHà ©ng, (æ © «) HorizontalShà ¹, (ç « ª) ErectGÃ… u, (é‰ ¤) HookTà ­, (æ  ) RaiseWÄ n, (Ã¥ ½Å½/Ã¥ ¼ ¯) Bend, curvePiÄ›, (æ’‡) Throw away, slantN, (æ  º) Pressing forcefully These eight strokes can be seen in the diagram above. All Chinese characters are composed of these 8 basic strokes, and knowledge of these strokes is essential for any student of Mandarin Chinese who wishes to write Chinese characters by hand. It is now possible to write in Chinese on the computer, and never write the characters by hand. Even so, it is still a good idea to become familiar with strokes and radicals, since they are used as a classification system in many dictionaries. The Twelve Strokes Some systems of stroke classification identify 12 basic strokes. In addition to the 8 strokes seen above, the 12 strokes include variations on GÃ… u, (é‰ ¤) Hook, which include: æ ¨ ªÃ©â€™ © Hà ©ng GÃ… uç «â€"é’ © Shà ¹ GÃ… uÃ¥ ¼ ¯Ã©â€™ © WÄ n GÃ… uæâ€"Å"é’ © Xià © GÃ… u Stroke Order Chinese characters are written with a codified stroke order. The basic stroke order is Left to Right, Top to Bottom but more rules are added as the characters become more complex.   Stroke Count Chinese characters range from 1 to 64 strokes. The stroke count is an important way to classify Chinese characters in dictionaries. If you know how to write Chinese characters by hand, you will be able to count the number of strokes in an unknown character, allowing you to look it up in the dictionary. This is a very useful skill, especially when the characters radical is not evident. Stroke count is also used when naming babies. Traditional beliefs in Chinese culture hold that a persons destiny in greatly influenced by their name, so great care is taken to choose a name that will bring good fortune to the bearer. This involves choosing Chinese characters that are in harmony with each other, and which have the proper number of strokes. Simplified and Traditional Characters Beginning in the 1950s, the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) introduced simplified Chinese characters to promote literacy. Close to 2,000 Chinese characters were altered from their traditional form, in the belief that these characters would be easier to read and write. Some of these characters are quite different from their traditional counterparts which are still used in Taiwan. The underlying principals of character writing, however, remain the same, and the same types of strokes are used in both traditional and simplified Chinese characters.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Analysis of a Successful Business Communication Essay

Analysis of a Successful Business Communication Essay Literate business communication is important when it comes to business writing. Understanding how to properly write a business letter is invaluable tools and could determine the success and failure of a business. Locating a well-written literatebusiness communication in my organization was easy to do.The example of literatebusiness communication I found clearly expresses the point of the writing. It is well written and states its purpose without loosing the meaning to the reader. In the introduction it clearly expresses the benefit to the readers.The samples purpose is to allow the readers to easily understand the benefit the company offers to its employees. It is clearly stated in the introduction the purpose of having a company savings plans and is written in easy to understand language.The writer in this sample uses an indirect approach. The writing is trying to target all of the employees of the company.SP Business School, School of Communication, Arts ...Each person who reads th is is to be informed of the company's benefits that are available. The writer's audience in the sample is all of the employees in the company.The writer addresses the audience by having an understanding approach about the difficulties of saving money. Then further tries to address these difficulties with a solution that is provided by the organization. There is clear connection being made to the intended audience.The writer makes an assumption that all employees have difficulty understanding complex savings plans therefore explains that this is not the case with the company savings plan. However, the writer does not take into account the employees that might have a deeper understanding of savings and retirements plans.Another assumption the writer makes is that every employee has difficulty saving money for the future, which may or may not be the case.The tone and style the writer...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

homosexuality essays

homosexuality essays In 20th century attitude toward gay community was very negative. However, in recent years gay and lesbians are gaining more rights. The biggest problem that homosexuals are facing right now is not being able to adopt a child. There are 22 states where they are allowed to adopt and it is seen there that they are adopting in increasing numbers. Ongoing legal battles over same-sex marriage have drawn increasing public attention to the question of whether lesbian and gay families can raise happy, healthy children. However, there is no evidence that persons sexual orientation will influence the child and make him a worst parent. In order to find out if homosexual couples could raise happy and healthy children, researchers presented a study of lesbian mothers and their children, as well as a comparison group of heterosexual couple and their children. The average age of the children at the time that the study was performed was about 9 years old. The follow up study was in 1990s and the average age of the young people at follow up was about 23 years old. This study was performed in order to see if children who grow up in a family led by a lesbian mother would have disadvantages in terms of their social, psychological and sexual orientation in comparison to children who were raised by heterosexual couple. It was found: 1. Children from lesbian mother families were no more likely than heterosexual families to experience peer pressure during adolescence, and most were able to integrate close friends outside their family life. They also were no more likely to recall being teased specifically about their mother. I think every child gets teased either he is tall or short, thin or fat. 2. Findings relating to the sexual orientation of children are generally that children from lesbian family were not more likely to identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual. 3. In regards to psychological adjustment men and women...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Brunello Cucinelli brand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Brunello Cucinelli brand - Essay Example The paper "Brunello Cucinelli brand" concerns the brand of Brunello Cucinelli. Taking into consideration the scope and the specification of the brand, it is essential to assess the constituents of the business and to examine their direct interaction and interference. In this case, the research will take a glance at the brief history of the brand, underlining the key moments that contributed to growth and maturity of the company and its performance. SWOT analysis will be conducted to outline the positive and negative factors of Brunello Cucinelli brand, its present state as well as prospects in terms of the nearest future. The study will present the summary of the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the brand in order to underline the perspectives as well as the cornerstones of Brunello Cucinelli company. For the thorough brand analysis to be accomplished, it is important to investigate the directions, views and goals of the company; in this respect the study will focu s on the target customer and draw the pen portrait of an average brand client. In addition, primary research will be conducted to provide the most accurate and faithful data. Due to the fact, that there are certain constraints in the context of the time and personal interviews with the leaders of the company, the secondary information will be taken into account and analyzed to get the full picture. The retail industry has its marketing peculiarities; thus, retail environment, place and promotion components.

Friday, October 18, 2019

What cultural, political and economic forces encouraged the nations of Essay

What cultural, political and economic forces encouraged the nations of Europe to create overseas empires in the late 19th century - Essay Example During the last quarter of the nineteenth century, the European civilization experienced a marvelous imperial expansion and, there have been plenty of efforts made by the European navigators to cross the sea to different other regions of the world for various reasons. European powers like England, France, Portugal, and Spain supported the search for new colonies and their objectives were economic exploitation, the spread of Christianity and the strengthening of their empires and England succeeded in establishing its power over the colonies even from the beginning of the nineteenth century. Europeans were focusing on the shores of Africa, Asia and Latin America and various social, political and cultural factors have motivated them in this widening of imperialism. Cultural factors: The desire to preserve the cultural values, identity and improvement of the society as a whole was an important driving force behind colonization. For instance, it was the British who introduced secondary ed ucation system in India which helped Indians to advance to the frontline of administration. These statements explain the impact of imperialism in carrying out modifications in the social and cultural set up of European colonies (Baker 184). The role of missionaries in the process of colonization is another important factor to be discussed. Their mission was to popularize the teachings of Bible and propagate Christ’s preaching; however, Christianity was employed by the missionaries as an ideology used to convince people to accept the domination of the white. Missionaries provided information regarding social political and economic structure of particular regions to the imperialists so that they could plan appropriate strategies for colonization. Political factors: One can never undermine the political motivations behind colonization during the nineteenth century. During the war of Sedan in1870, the political situation was disturbing and conflicts were there among European nati on. The French nationalism became deep rooted after the war and colonial imperialism turned to be a means of revenge for France. Other European nations used colonialism as an instrument to divert the attention from their internal issues. National prestige was another key factor which compelled the Europeans to concentrate more on the division of existing colonies and occupying power over new colonies (Mathias & Todorov 68). Modern systems of communication and transportation have been introduced as a result of the technological development. These innovations eventually restructured European colonies. Economic factors: The nineteenth century industrialization could be connected with the colonization. As a result of the industrial expansion, Europeans went in search of raw materials and new markets for their products. According to Lenin’s theory, an enlargement of scale of production would result in a decline of profit in capitalist economies and as a result of the accumulation of capital the production will increase and the excessive production would result in the accumulation of unsold products (Mathias & Todorov 68). Industrial revolution resulted in the generation of such a situation. Imperialist policy and an overseas expansion became necessary to overcome this difficulty. It became an important objective of the statesmen to improve on the participation and share in the world trade so as to increase the national wealth and thereby national power (Mathias & Todorov 68). Impact on the international relationship: Most of the Asian and African countries were European colonies and their influence played a major role in shaping the social and educational institutions and the economic structur

Assessment and decision analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assessment and decision analysis - Assignment Example She also stated that the government toughened the penalties for the companies, which violate the rules of dangerous goods transportation. According to Rite, the government is implementing thorough control over the situation. However, such statements did not seem convincing. Thus, Canadian Senate committee insists on the reconsideration of the state’s policy concerning the transportation of dangerous goods. Meanwhile, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada is paying special attention to the possibility of implementing strict and corresponding control of the railway system of the country. Canadas Standing Senate Committee considers it is important to implement the thorough inspection of the country’s railway system, the main principles of its regulation standards, the norms and practices. The main goal of a new report called "Moving Energy Safely: A Study of the Safe Transport of Hydrocarbons by Pipelines, Tankers and Railcars† is to improve the safety of railway transportation in Canada. The report under consideration includes thirteen advices on safety transportation and the request to take into account all these advices. The report also contains a call to Transport Canada to provide railway companies with advantageous condition of insurance so that they may cover all the expenses connected with possible unhappy accident. It became clear that Canadian railway system is far from ideal and needs to be re-examined and modernized. One of the investigators, Kirby Jang states: "in Canada, we have a system called centralized traffic control, which provides visual signals, but there is no automated stopping or slowing of trains if the train crew were to exceed the limits of their authority†. He also insisted on the introduction of new safety system: â€Å"we believe that theres a risk of serious train collisions and derailments if

Thursday, October 17, 2019

4.How convincing is Porters model of national competitive advantage in Essay - 1

4.How convincing is Porters model of national competitive advantage in explaining the characteristics and performance of the business systems of major economies - Essay Example This paper will shed some light on how the nations achieve competitive advantage by using Porter’s Diamond model. This model highlights the influencing factors of national competitive advantage. The paper will discuss about the issues and loop holes of the Porter’s diamond Model and how they fail to answer certain circumstantial problems. Porter (1990) explained the competitiveness of a nation based on the four different parameters, which are factor conditions, demand conditions, supporting or related industries and firms’ strategy, structure and rivalry. Factor Conditions: The factor conditions include the production factors of a nation, like human resources and human capital, physical resources, knowledge base, financial strength. The quantity and quality of the available human resources determine the national production capabilities. Physical resources like availability of raw materials, power supply, etc increase the competitive advantage by reducing the operating cost of production. Moreover, the skills and overall knowledge base of the country helps it to involve in innovative product development. Demand Conditions: The demand conditions explain the level of demands of products in the home country. The higher level of demand influences the pace of product innovation and improves service quality. Porter (1990) described that the home demand level is based on three major factors: needs of the customers, growth rate of the customers’ needs and transferring domestic preference in the foreign market. A nation can thus achieve competitive advantage if the domestic demand trend can be predicted by the domestic suppliers faster than the foreign ones. This as a result will allow them to cater to the needs of the domestic customers thereby improving the national economic structure of the country. Firms’ Strategy structure

Critical review of journal of counselling psychology qualitative Essay

Critical review of journal of counselling psychology qualitative research - Essay Example Both therapies are illustrated in detail through corresponding case studies. The purpose of the abstract is to draw the readers’ attention to the issues that the paper deals with such as the eating disorders Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa and to focus their attention accordingly on the details of the main topic of the paper which are the evidence-based treatments for children and adolescents afflicted with these eating disorders. The article was crafted very well that it was able to achieve its goal of informing the readers thoroughly about the eating disorders of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa as well as the available psychological interventions effective for treatment and management of the disorders. 2. What are the main areas of information contained in the Introduction? In the introduction, eating disorders were discussed, specifically, the onset of Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and Bulimia Nervosa (BN) in children and adolescents. ... It was not reported what factors may be responsible for it and if family-based interventions were suggested, it was not clear why. On the other hand, the introduction gave a clear overview of what the readers may expect throughout the article, focusing on treatments and how patients will go through them. This is useful for individuals interested in such psychological interventions for personal reasons and for future envisioning of a career as a psychotherapist. 3. How has the rationale for the Research questions been developed? Rationale for this study is the need for effective interventions to help out children and adolescents suffering from eating disorders such as AN and BN which not only disrupts their normal functioning but also affects the family dynamics of the patients, most often leaving negative outcomes. This rationale was developed from giving examples of the presenting problem and its deleterious effects detailing the causes and corresponding effects leading to the need for interventions. These cases were well-chosen as they represented a majority of patients suffering from similar symptoms for Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. Although there may be other symptoms and causes in other cases that are not reported in the examples, the two chosen examples were enough to present a general overview. 4. What are the research questions in this study? The study does not pose any overt research questions, but it is presumed from the content of the study that it asks about effective methods and interventions in dealing with eating disorders of children and adolescents. It may also ask for specific ways how the patient’s family may come into play with regards to the treatment interventions and how

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

4.How convincing is Porters model of national competitive advantage in Essay - 1

4.How convincing is Porters model of national competitive advantage in explaining the characteristics and performance of the business systems of major economies - Essay Example This paper will shed some light on how the nations achieve competitive advantage by using Porter’s Diamond model. This model highlights the influencing factors of national competitive advantage. The paper will discuss about the issues and loop holes of the Porter’s diamond Model and how they fail to answer certain circumstantial problems. Porter (1990) explained the competitiveness of a nation based on the four different parameters, which are factor conditions, demand conditions, supporting or related industries and firms’ strategy, structure and rivalry. Factor Conditions: The factor conditions include the production factors of a nation, like human resources and human capital, physical resources, knowledge base, financial strength. The quantity and quality of the available human resources determine the national production capabilities. Physical resources like availability of raw materials, power supply, etc increase the competitive advantage by reducing the operating cost of production. Moreover, the skills and overall knowledge base of the country helps it to involve in innovative product development. Demand Conditions: The demand conditions explain the level of demands of products in the home country. The higher level of demand influences the pace of product innovation and improves service quality. Porter (1990) described that the home demand level is based on three major factors: needs of the customers, growth rate of the customers’ needs and transferring domestic preference in the foreign market. A nation can thus achieve competitive advantage if the domestic demand trend can be predicted by the domestic suppliers faster than the foreign ones. This as a result will allow them to cater to the needs of the domestic customers thereby improving the national economic structure of the country. Firms’ Strategy structure

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

NHS Development Since 1948 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

NHS Development Since 1948 - Essay Example This is good because it will ensure that clinical standards are met and there are processes to ensure continuous improvement backed by a new statutory duty for quality in NHS trusts. The Commission for Health Improvement (CHI) has been established to support and oversee the quality of clinical services locally, and tackle shortcomings. It intervenes by invitation or the Secretary of States’ direction where a problem has not been gripped. The focus is given on key areas such as life long learning, risk management, performance indicators, evidence-based practice and professional self-regulation. Life long learning is a positive step, for the NHS staff will have the opportunity to continuously update their skills and knowledge to offer the most modern, effective and high-quality care to patients. Likewise, risk management is required so that Trusts comply with the Trusts Risk Management Policy and the Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992. This will certainly reduce hazards both for patients and staff. The use of performance indicators serves to highlight low or high achievement and to, therefore, raise questions about services provided. However, they represent only one of the several types of analysis. More detailed investigation of trends over time and the use of qualitative data should also be used. Evidence Based Practice is a good step for it will lead to a conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care individual patients.

Love for Cooking Essay Example for Free

Love for Cooking Essay Goal: In this paper I tried to open to different ideas to cooking opposed to giving directions about how to cook. I tried to provide each reason with two examples to give readers a better understanding about what food can really be about. Evaluation: I feel like I did good on the overview on covering all the basics on cooking to where its understandable and relateable opposed to writing is as a recipe or directions list that most people would think cooking is about. Cooking a satisfying dish has three aspects. The first aspect that is usually the most important is eating with the eyes. An example is how the dish is plated, how it smells, and how appealing and appetizing it looks to the eye. Another example that compares to the first example is that if food is plated sloppy or looks and smells unappetizing, it generally doesnt catch peoples attention. A second aspect that relates to the first aspect is using fresh ingredients. Using fresh ingredients means a healthier meal, and also getting natural vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and ect. Another example is using fresh food opposed to processed food, because everyone wants to knows what theyre eating. One last aspect is making the dish taste fantastic. A dish that tastes good has people eating more of it, even though it might not be good for them to over-stuff. Another reason is people asking for the recipe or asking the chef to prepare their meals boost confidence in the chef knowing she made a good meal for everyone. One thing that will always remain is that feeling of providing something delicious for the community that has them cominging back and a sense of happiness and successfullnes in a chef.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Reacties van stoffen opgelost in water

Reacties van stoffen opgelost in water De volgende onderwerpen komen aan bod in dit hoofdstuk: Elektrolyten Netto Ion-vergelijkingen Soorten reacties Neerslag reacties Zuur-base reacties Redox reacties Elektrolyten: Als suiker (Sucrose) oplost, kun je daar de volgende moleculevergelijking voor opstellen: C12H22O11(s) à   C12H22O11(aq) Als keukenzout oplost zie de vergelijking er als volgt uit: NaCl(s) à   Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq) Het verschil is uiteraard, dat keukenzout splitst in de ionen Na+ en Cl- en dat sucrose als geheel molecuul oplost. NaCl is een elektrolyt en C12H22O11 is een non-elektrolyt. Een elektrolyt is een stof die bij het oplossen splitst in ionen. Een non- elektrolyt is een stof die oplost als geheel molecuul. De meeste reacties zijn evenwichtsreacties. Het evenwicht ligt vaak heel erg ver naar à ©Ãƒ ©n kant. Twee voorbeelden hiervan: Bij CH3CO2H ligt het evenwicht zeer ver naar de kant van de stof opgelost als geheel , maar hij kan wel opsplitsen in ionen. CH3CO2H is een zwakke elektrolyt. Bij KCl ligt het evenwicht juist heel sterk de andere kant op, naar die van de ionen. KCl is dus een zwakke elektrolyt. Een stof die bij het oplossen (bijna) helemaal splitst in ionen is een sterke elektrolyt. Een stof die bij het oplossen maar een klein beetje splitst in ionen is een zwakke elektrolyt. Netto ionvergelijkingen Wat een moleculevergelijking is, is bekend:. Pb(NO3)2(aq) + 2 KI(aq)à   2 KNO3(aq) + PbI2(s) In deze vergelijking zie je dat twee opgeloste stoffen worden samengevoegd en twee nieuwe stoffen vormen, een vaste en een opgeloste stof. De stoffen die opgelost zijn, zijn echter allemaal sterke elektrolyten en zijn dus gesplitst in ionen. Dit kunnen we weergeven met een ionvergelijking: Pb2+(aq) + 2 NO3-(aq) + 2 K+(aq) + 2 I-(aq) à   2 K+(aq) + 2 NO3-(aq) + PbI2(s) Een aantal van de ionen vind je zowel links als rechts van de pijl. Deze kun je, net als in een wiskundige vergelijking, tegenover elkaar wegstrepen. Wat je dan overhoud is de netto ionvergelijking: Pb2+(aq) + 2 NO3-(aq) + 2 K+(aq) + 2 I-(aq) à   2 K+(aq) + 2 NO3-(aq) + PbI2(s) Pb2+(aq) + 2 I-(aq) à   PbI2(s) In deze netto ionvergelijking vind je alleen de stoffen die daadwerkelijk aan de reactie deelnemen. Een ionvergelijking is een moleculevergelijking, maar dan zijn alle opgeloste elektrolyten als afzonderlijke ionen opgeschreven. Een netto ionvergelijking is een ionvergelijking, waarin de ionen die niet aan de werkelijke reactie deelnemen zijn weggelaten aan beide kanten van de pijl. Neerslagreacties Het voorbeeld wat gebruikt is bij het uitleggen van de netto ionvergelijking is een voorbeeld van een neerslagreactie. Er worden meerdere opgeloste stoffen samengevoegd, waarna er uit enkele van deze opgeloste stoffen een vaste stof ontstaat. Deze vaste stof wordt zichtbaar in de vloeistof en heet de neerslag. Kobaltchloride en Natronloog (YouTube: CoCl2(aq) + 2 NaOH(aq) à   2 NaCl(aq) + Co(OH)2(s) Netto: Co2+(aq) + 2 OH-(aq) à   Co(OH)2(s) In het filmpje is duidelijk te zien date r een soort groene wolk ontstaat. Dit is de neerslag, welke wordt gevormd omdat Co(OH)2 slecht oplosbaar is en dus een vaste stof wordt. Of er een neerslagreactie plaatsvindt is dus afhankelijk van hoe goed stoffen oplossen. Wanneer is de oplosbaarheid van een stof goed en wanneer is deze slecht? Oplosbaarheid van stoffen is goed als de stof deze cationen bevat: Groep 1A (Li+, Na+, K+, Cs+) Ammonium ion (NH4+) Oplosbaarheid van stoffen is goed als de stof deze anionen bevat: Halogenen (Cl-, Br-, I-, NIET Ag+, Hg2+, Pb2+) Nitraat (NO3-), perchloraat (ClO4-), acetaat (CH3CO2-), sulfaat (SO42-) NIET Ba2+, Hg2+ en Pb2+ sulfaat Zoals er hier al tussen staat, zijn er op de bovenstaande regels veel uitzonderingen te bedenken. Een vollediger overzicht vind je in BINAS tabel 45. Hierin staat op het kruispunt van een kolom (cation) en een rij (anion) die bij bepaalde ionen horen of de stof die uit deze twee ionen is opgebouwd goed oplosbaar is of niet. Een neerslagreactie is een reactie, waarbij opgeloste stoffen een vaste stof (neerslag) vormen. Of er een neerslagreactie plaats vind is afhankelijk van de oplosbaarheid van stoffen. Oplosbaarheid is te vinden in BINAS tabel 45. Zuur-base reacties Zuren en basen zijn stoffen die als ze opgelost zijn in water op een bepaalde manier reageren. Volgens een klassieke omschrijving is dat op de volgende manier: Zuur: stof die H+ kan afgeven. Voorbeeld: HA(aq) à   H+(aq) + A-(aq) Voorbeeldreacties zuur in (en met) water: HCl(aq) + H2O(l) à   H3O+(aq) + Cl-(aq) CO2(aq)+ 2 H2O(l) (= H2CO3(aq) + H2O(l)) à   HCO3- + H3O+ Base: stof die H+ kan opnemen. Voorbeeld: BOH(aq) + H+ à   B+(aq) + H2O(l) Voorbeeldreacties base in (en met) water: NH2-(aq) + H2O(l) à   NH3(aq) + OH-(aq) BrO-(aq) + H2O(l) à   HBrO(aq) + OH-(aq) Als een zuur en een base samen in à ©Ãƒ ©n oplossing zijn, neutraliseren zij elkaar. Dit noemen we dan een neutralisatiereactie. Voorbeeldreactie zuur (zoutzuur) met base(natronloog): HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) à   H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) + Na+(aq) + OH-(aq) H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) + Na+(aq) + OH-(aq) à   H2O(l) + NaCl (aq) Op deze manier zijn dus het (sterke) zuur en de (sterke) base verdwenen. NaOH (aq) splitst in Na+ OH- en neemt de H+ (ontstaan doordat HCl splitst in H+ Cl-). Hierdoor onstaan dus water en een zout (in dit geval keukenzout, maar andere zouten komen uiteraard ook voor). Veel informatie is ook te vinden in BINAS tabel 49. Hierin staan zuren in de linker kolom en basen in de rechter kolom. Daarnaast zijn de sterke zuren bovenin te vinden en de zwakke zuren onderin. Sterke basen staan juist onderin en de zwakke bovenin. Hieruit volgt ook dat als een zuur een H+ afstaan dat het een base vormt: een sterk zuur splitst in een zwakke base en H+. Omgekeerd vormt een sterke base als het een H+ opneemt een zwak zuur: een sterke base vormt een zwak zuur als het een H+ opneemt. Zuur: stof die H+ kan afgeven. Base: stof die H+ kan opnemen. Als een zuur en een base elkaar neutraliseren ontstaan water en een zout. Veel info over zuren en basen te vinden in BINAS Tabel 49 Redox reacties Een REDOX reactie is een reactie waarbij elektronen worden uitgewisseld: A- A + e- A2- A- + e- A A+ + e- A+ A2+ + e- De naam redox komt van de woorden reductie en oxidatie: REDuctie: elektronen worden opgenomen . OXidatie: elektronen worden afgegeven. Hoe weet je of een reactie een redox reactie is of niet? Om dit te kunnen bepalen moet je redox-getallen toekennen aan de verschillende moleculen, ionen of atomen. Elementen hebben redoxgetal 0 Na, H2, Br2, S, Ne hebben redoxgetal 0 Ionen hebben een redox getal gelijk aan hun lading Na+ (+1), Ca2+ (+2), Al3+ (+3), Cl- (-1), O2- (-2) Het totaal is 0 voor een molecuul en gelijk aan de lading van een samengesteld ion. H2SO4, ClO4-, NH4+ In moleculen of samengestelde ionen hebben atomen gewoonlijk het zelfde getal als hun vorm als ion. H-O-H (+1, -2, +1,totaal 0), [O-H]- (-2, +1, totaal -1) Uitzonderingen: Waterstof is +1 of -1 Na-H (+1, -1 totaal 0, dus H: -1), H-Cl (+1, -1, totaal 0, dus H: +1) Zuurstof is meestal -2 H-O-H (+1, -2, +1,totaal 0, dus O: -2 ), H-O-O-H(+1, -1, -1 +1,totaal 0, dus O: -1) Halogenen zijn meestal -1 Cl-O-Cl (+1, -2, +1,totaal 0, dus Cl: -1 ), H-O-Br Een reactie is een redox-reactie als van een atoom of ion het redoxgetal na de reactie anders is dan voor de reactie heeft plaats gevonden. In de praktijk kun je herkennen of bepaalde reacties redox-reacties zijn door een stof geforceerd te laten reageren met een stof waarvan je zeker weer dat deze stof reduceert of oxideert. Als à ©Ãƒ ©n onderdeel van een reactie oxideert, reduceert namelijk een ander deel. Als er dan inderdaad een reactie plaats vindt, is het waarschijnlijk een redox-reactie. De stof die zelf reduceert en er dus voor zorgt dat een andere stof oxideert is een oxidatie-agent of oxidator. Een stof die zelf oxideert en er dus voor zorgt dat een andere stof reduceert is een reductie-agent of reductor: IJzer laat men met zuurstof (oxidator) reageren (roesten van ijzer): De redoxgetallen van Fe en O zijn veranderd, dus is het een redoxreactie. Met laat ijzeroxide uit ijzererts met koolstof (reductor) reageren (winning van ijzer): De redoxgetallen van Fe en C zijn veranderd, dus is het een redoxreactie. Om redoxreacties kloppend te maken kun je ook redoxgetallen gebruiken: Neem de volgende stappen: Zorg dat de reactie klopt voor de reeds bekende reactieproducten. Bepaal van de onjuiste reactievergelijking de redoxgetallen van de verschillende atomen en ionen. Bekijk wat van de bekende reactieproducten de af- en toename is van het redoxgetal. Vermenigvuldig het aantal moleculen waarvan het redoxgetal afneemt met het getal van de toename. Vermenigvuldig het aantal moleculen waarvan het redoxgetal toeneemt met het getal van de afname. Maak nu de reactie kloppend voor de overige uitgangsstoffen door reactieproducten toe te voegen. Als laatste maak je de reactie kloppend door bijvoorbeeld nog enkele H+ ionen bij de uitgangsstoffen te voegen. Een andere manier om de vergelijking van een redoxreactie kloppend te maken is door gebruik te maken van halfvergelijkingen. Enkele voorbeelden van halfvergelijkingen: Li à   Li+ + e- Mg à   Mg2+ + 2e- Co à   Co2+ + 2 e- Cu à   Cu2+ + 2 e- Deze kun je op de volgende manier gebruiken om vergelijkingen kloppend te maken: Bepaal uit een niet kloppende reactievergelijking de oxidatie halfreactie en de reductie halfreatie. Maak de reactievergelijkingen kloppend. Voeg hier eventueel nieuwe reactieproducten en H+ voor toe. Voeg elektronen toe om de halfreacties helemaal kloppend te maken. Zorg dat er in beide halfreacties evenveel elektronen voor komen (door een veelvoud van of beide halfreacties te nemen) Voeg de twee halfreacties samen. Haal de elektronen uit de uiteindelijke reactie. Een voorbeeld hiervan: In BINAS tabel 48 staat een overzicht met halfreacties. Ook vind je in deze tabel informatie over de sterkte van een bepaald molecuul of ion als reductor of oxidator.