Saturday, December 21, 2019

Counseling Research - 1570 Words

Analyzing Interventions: Solution Focused Brief Therapy Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to show how using different research methods such as: quantitative, qualitative, single-case designs, action research, and outcome-based research is used to form an intervention focused on an adolescent with any kind of phobia based on the Solution-Focused Brief therapy. Not to retract in time, but to help the client come up with a possible solution of their phobia within a short amount of time. Different researches show the different ways and strategies of information gained by different counselors. Discuss the importance using research to advance the counseling profession (2 paragraphs) There are many things that research brings to the†¦show more content†¦Looking at what earlier researches psychologists have done in their interventions will also help guide my practice. Something very interesting that I noticed in this research was that they were very aware about the client’s culture (multicultural) background in order to be able to understand how they would attend them best. Provide a summary of the state of research as it relates to your topic of interest. (1-2 pages) As noticed in my articles I wasn’t focused on a specific type of phobia but just all in general. I found this topic to be important to me because my mom happens to have phobia of snakes and gets these â€Å"anxious† attacks that as I was reading in the articles it’s a common sign in most patients. First thing I saw in relation to my topic is that in order to have a successful care the patient needs to be willing to try the things the counselors ask, but most of all is to establish that trust between counselor and client. Start with little steps at a time where the client starts achieving small goals at a time to eventually decrease to loose the phobia completely. Discuss any legal and ethical considerations regarding the research examined. (1-2 pages) With phobias it may not necessarily be illegal, but it may cause a deeper problem if therapy is not done correctly. For example, allowing the client to immediately be submerged into a room where for instance the phobia was bees and the room was full of bees.Show MoreRelatedCareer Research : Mental Health Counseling1947 Words   |  8 PagesCareer Research Mental Health Counselors maintain a confidential interaction with a family or individual dealing with mental and emotional health in order to initiate and strategize a goal of treatment. Mental Health Counselors use a psychotherapeutic method in order to help others. They must ensure complete confidentiality on behalf of their legal requirements and refrain from unethical approaches. 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